Expressing Gratitude.

Nitin Rajesh
3 min readApr 20, 2022

Before you complain about school, remember that some people don’t even have education.

Before you complain about the taste of your food, remember that some people don’t even have any food.

Before you complain about your job, remember that some people don’t even have any money.

Before you complain about anything, without any consideration of how blessed you are, just be thankful for a minute.

Coming to the present.

Meditation, Mindfulness, Awareness of the present — all these things are somewhat the same but expressed in different terms.

What does it mean? — It means coming back to the present and being aware of everything that's happening within your body and around it, both physically and mentally.

How does it help? — Being aware of the present will help you concentrate on counting more blessings which we will talk about in a bit. The more blessings we count, the more we come are in the present.

Being thankful is a vital component for happiness. Just think of the number of people who have to live through war on a daily basis, but we are completely safe from such troubles, and many more that we hear about in the news.

“The more you count your blessings, the more blessing you’ll have to count”

Ah, you know this thing we all have “Goals”, “Summer bucket list”, “Winter bucket list”, “Wishlist”, “My Dream places to visit”, etc... The thing is, this is a never-ending list for the future. But the list of the things you feel grateful for is a never-ending list for the present.

If you notice, the more you think about your dreams for the future, you slowly get to this state of unhappiness, as sometimes you look at social media of people enjoying the things you want to have and you feel that your life isn’t any interesting. But, the more you think about the things you feel grateful for, you realise that you all are just doing fine. You feel so happy that you have everything which not everyone in this world has.

“It’s easy to say “thanks” without really meaning it, the key to showing gratitude is to feel thankful”

Alright, let’s talk about it.

The thing is we really don’t mean it when we say ‘thank you’ mainly because the words ‘thank you’ doesn’t have much of weight (meaning) as we want it to have. Saying ‘thanks’ shouldn’t be a formality thing, we should really mean it when we say ‘thanks’.

A better way to say thank you ?

Yes, of course. Instead of just saying ‘thank you’, you could use phrases like

  • I really appreciate that.
  • You are a lifesaver.
  • I couldn’t have done it without you.
  • Thanks for having my back.
  • I owe you.
  • This means a lot to me.

I recommend you to check out James Clear’s article on Saying Thanks after you’re done reading this.

3 Ways to Express Gratitude

Meditation — You can sit in a place and feel thankful (“I am grateful for..”) for the things you are grateful for.

Writing — You can write down your blessings on paper.

Talking — You can express your gratitude and feelings to the person in words.

Feel grateful to be alive, for the people who are there for you, for the knowledge your parents, teachers, friends, strangers and the internet gave you, for the tools including your body parts and everything that helps you get every type of work done, even for this article which you are reading right now. The blessings just keeps on going…

I am also grateful for having people read my article which motivates me to share my writings more..Thank You.

